America Fights back
Note: Scroll to the bottom of this page for the Bubble Busting Historian's
Glossary of Propaganda Terms
Our news media is working 24 hours a day to direct our attention away from our most serious problems. The problems their own policies created. Black, Brown and White working people are suffering. The grand children of the same rich ruling class socialists who implemented the leftist programs in the 1960s are still in charge. They own the news media. They control the democrat party and 25% of the republican party.
They do not own me.
This website is where working people can learn the truth about why housing is so expensive. Why laws are not enforced. Why our borders are open. Why drugs are so easy to get and killing so many of our children. Why poor blacks can not read or do basic math even though our schools are the most expensive in the world.
Charity + Beliefs + Emotions = Control
The nuts and bolts of mass deception. After you understand this, you will begin to see evidence of it everywhere.
The Bipartisan House of Cards. The High Cost of Housing!
In America, in the 1970s, poor people, working for close to minimum wage, could rent a one bedroom house or apartment for about one weeks take home pay.
Now it takes three to four weeks of work to do the same thing. The minimum wage should be about $11.50 per hour to keep pace with ordinary inflation, but even if it was, it would still take 2 to 4 weeks pay to rent a one bedroom.
Read "The Bi-Partisan House of Cards" to understand why this has happened.
Schools, Not just for Queer Sex Education Anymore
From the Socialist anti American National Scholastic classroom handouts that used to be called "Weekly Reader" to the cherry Picked Anti American history lessons our schools have been more indoctrination than education for 50 years.
Reparations for Mexicans
Yes you read that correctly. No good slavery and Reparations conversation can be conducted without serious consideration for Mexicans who were owned by other Mexicans. Peonage.
And of course, the starving Irish peasants who immigrated here in the mid 1800s to escape starvation and disease in their homeland under British domination.
This whole reparation thing is really not that much fun after you learn some true history.
All suffered and All Sinned.
Democracy: American Mafia Style
Leonard Cohen sang;
"Democracy is coming to the USA"
Socialists and Communists like to call their poison
Democracy, it sounds better than Socialism.
America is a Constitutional Republic for the purpose of protecting individual rights and preventing hard working productive people from having everything they earned taken away by the gullible, lazy class of people.
A pure Democracy always violates personal freedoms with unbridled taxation, Corruption, Socialism and ultimately, Communism.
That is exactly what we have done for 60 years.
The lazy, class of people out number hard working, productive people.
We are spending $100 million on Senate races with donations from outside the district and even all over the world. That is wrong. We are
Watching Senators and Representatives magically become multi millionaires while they are in office.
Liberals on tv are always warning us to vote Democrat or we will lose Democracy.
DNA Proves Woke is part of Ism Dynasty !
On the same day President Biden acknowledged the existence of his illegitimate grand daughter, DNA reports prove Woke is the illegitimate child of Mr. Marx Ism. This means young Mr. Woke Ism is the first,,,,,,,,
Calculator versus Feelings:
There is a little icon on everyone's phone that brings up something called a calculator.
For people who have basic math skills it is an excellent lie detector, compass and GPS unit all in one.
Communist Propaganda Glossary of Terms:
"Defund The Police"
Destroy local police departments and then replace them (or control them with funding) with Federal Government police to better enable disarming the public.
"Big Green New Deal"
Save the planet beats any other beneficial cause. Who can question the motives of a planet savior. Whatever you do just do not ask to see those lying bastards resume.
They also are working to destroy the Oil and Gas industry create a crisis and take it over. Watch the belief blind Republicans keep electing socialist Senators until the Oil and Gas industry is completely controlled by the socialist/communists.
Short for 'communist staffing'
Packing government jobs with communists to work secret society communist schemes during future political administrations. This will be Joe Biden's second or third legacy.
"Women's Rights"
Belief Building Lie designed to convince women that stabbing a perfectly healthy baby in the head with a pair of small sissors, then opening them and twisting them around is not murder. Frightening ignorant young girls and women into thinking anyone who doesn't vote democrat is going to take away their rights. Burdening young girls who get late term abortions with quilt for the rest of their life. Another attack on women.
"Black Lives Matter"
A communist organization that takes advantage of black people who cannot read as a result of 50 years of socialist inner-city control. They work to channel black peoples despair and anger away from the true source of their misery with propaganda communist bullshit. Their goal is to devide and conquer. Pit black against white, queer against straight. Exploit and take advantage of the very people they claim to represent.
"Queer Alphabet"
Text book communism. From "Transphobic" to the ever changing ABC propaganda hate factory.
When starvation and no future are not
part of people's life, a new misery worth
fighting for must be created in order to
have a movement. Designed to mobilize queer people to vote democrat and forget about the horrible living conditions and all the real problems
the democrats have created with liberal policies.
To build up hate and devision between queer and straight with unreasonable expectations of everything from public restroom use to sex education in school. To drive a wedge between parents and children. Another fake grievance used to stir emotions in emotionally sensitive people and create hate out of nothing at all.
A bastard term from birth, it started its life as a bastard term used by Mussolini in Italy to avoid calling his government a Communist Dictatorship. This newest compounded bastardization is to convey the idea that anyone who objects to any democrat, socialist, communist or "one world government" view is a bad person on par with Hitler. Wikipedia's definition is laughable and illustrates the work of another propaganda campaign; Golbalism, that I do not address here in an effort to keep this simple.
A Belief Building Lie.
It does not, I repeat does not define:
Black kids without dads.
Black kids who cannot
and will never be good readers.
Black kids without basic math skills.
Black kids who get sexually assaulted in kid prisons.
100,000 drug deaths a year.
Untold drug addiction and drug related misery.
Millions of foriegn people pouring into the US to take all the jobs away from people who cannot read and do basic math. It does not mean any of that.
"Gun Violence"
A Belief building lie designed to plant the believe that guns are the problem
rather than drugs and criminals.
The communists want to disarm the public and are doing everything imaginable to cause as many homicide deaths as possible so they can create an out-cry for eliminating guns in the hands of private citizens.
"Slave Labor in China"
An old socialist Belief Building Lie designed to make Americans feel good about watching all of our wonderful factories close down and entire Cities die one by one and keep us from using a calculator and figuring out the true meaning and cost of socialism by calculating all the different taxes and regulatory costs that are unavoidably built into every product we manufacture in the USA.
Name of a foot soldier group of people
who are victims of a successful propaganda campaign, Engaged in a movement to take control of the government.
Marx and Lenin called the people who
were the foot soldiers of their movement the Proletariat.
Hitler was "Nazi" - Mussolini was "Fascist"
This newest group of belief blinded serfs is "Woke"
In the 1700s and 1800s it was the working class
peasants who were permanent subjects to a
King or Queen . These people had real grievances and were committed to overthrow their rulers.
The grievances "Woke" members are associated
with today are manufactured with propaganda.
"DEI" Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
This is a communist tool used to subjugate people
and prepare them for a Communist future.
In Lenin's communist book "State of Revolution"
Page 71 Section 2 under the heading
Transition From Capitalism to Communism
Lenin wrote; "The transition from a capitalist society,
developing towards communism, towards a communist society, is impossible without "a political transition period",
and the state of this period can only be the
revolutionary dictatorship of the (Woke) Prolitariat.
DEI is the vehicle with which "Woke" people completely dominate society and prepare them for their communist future.
Glossary is a work in progress.